XCHANGING IDEAS #41 Global 5G Evolution - CSPs 5G Monetization

Topic: XCHANGING IDEAS #41 Global 5G Evolution
Time: September 12, 2023 04:00 PM Singapore

16:00- 16:10 SGT Kaneshwaran Govindasamy, KL, Malaysia - 5G Monetization Advisory
16:10- 16:20 SGT Igor Bondar, Dubai, UAE - Driving Telco Innovation & Business Growth with AI
16:20- 16:30 SGT Akram Tamimi, London, United Kingdom - 5G Prescription & Shared DAS Hotel NAAS
16:30- 16:40 SGT Emre Can, Singapore - Network Slicing
16:40- 16:50 SGT Gilbert Relou, Tilburg, Netherlands - 5G Global IoT
16:50- 17:00 SGT Nav Phokela, Sydney Australia - LEO Satellite Communications for CSPs
17:00- 17:10 SGT Frank Mungau, Dartington, UK - AI for Automation of Tasks in 5G
17:10- 17:20 SGT Questions & Answers Session - Questions & Answers Session

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