Wi-Fi 7 by 2024

Wi-Fi will be a crucial complementary system for Service Providers even in the 5G Era until the 2030s.


  1. Offloading Data Traffic: Wi-Fi can offload data traffic from the cellular network, especially in high-traffic areas like airports, malls, and stadiums. By doing this, mobile service operators can reduce the burden on their networks and improve overall network performance.

  2. Enhancing Coverage: Wi-Fi can be used to extend the coverage of mobile networks, especially in areas where cellular coverage is weak or non-existent. Operators can set up Wi-Fi hotspots in such areas to provide users with connectivity and access to mobile services.

  3. Improving User Experience: Wi-Fi can provide faster and more reliable connectivity than cellular networks, especially in areas with a high density of users. By offering Wi-Fi connectivity, operators can improve the user experience and reduce customer churn.

  4. Cost Savings: Wi-Fi can be a cost-effective alternative to cellular networks, especially for data-intensive applications like video streaming. Operators can leverage Wi-Fi to reduce network costs and offer competitive pricing to their customers.

Please look at the specifications table on various Wi-Fi generations evolved up to 2024.
