What is the periodicity of CSI-RS signals repetitions?

csi-MeasConfig setup : 
                      nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceId 0,
                        frequencyDomainAllocation other : '000001'B,
                        nrofPorts p2,
                        firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain 13,
                        cdm-Type fd-CDM2,
                        density one : NULL,
                          startingRB 0,
                          nrofRBs 68
                      powerControlOffset -5,
                      scramblingID 261,
                      periodicityAndOffset slots320 : 261

It is available in rrc connection reconfig message as doubted.

These will be usually periodic messages.
You need to go into the message and check SFN and Slot number to compare the periodicity.

But in CSF report , CRI records are mentioned aperiodic

      slot : 65
      numerology : 120kHz
      frame : 935
    carrier_id : 0
    report_id : 1
    report_type : APERIODIC
    num_bits_part1 : 24
    num_bits_part2 : 0
    is_rsrp : RSRP
    num_bits_part2 : 6
    debug_only : Result_from_WP
    report_quanlity : CRI , RSRP
    resource1 : 0
    resource2 : 1
    resource3 : 2
    resource4 : 0
    resource_type : CSI_RS
    num_resource_bits : 3
    pad : 0
    rsrp1 : 76
    rsrp2 : 62
    rsrp3 : 59
    rsrp4 : 0
    valid_rsrp : 3

For periodic reporting it will be mentioned in RRC reconfig message as below right?

320 slots with 120Khz scs = 320 *.125ms = 40ms