What is SRv6 (Segment Routing IPv6)?

Revolutionize Network Routing with SRv6 and SRH!

Looking to elevate your network infrastructure to unprecedented levels?

Introducing SRv6, the game-changing fusion of Segment Routing (SR) and IPv6.

Experience efficient packet forwarding, dynamic traffic engineering, and unparalleled control over your network.

Dive deep into the benefits, and real-world use cases, and discover how SRv6 can supercharge your network’s performance and scalability.

Don’t miss out on this groundbreaking network routing revolution!

Read the article to learn: :point_right: What is SRv6 (Segment Routing IPv6)? | NextGenNetworkingPro

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I read some comments about it (SRv6) and got worried… :point_down:

Comment 1 link:

“This is a frankly terrifying amount of hyperbole for what is effectively a pile of bad ideas grouped together; SRv6 is a bad answer to a lot of bad questions. No-one should be conflating this method for building a transport network, with the onward march of IPv6 deployments, and you certainly should not be hoping to see SRHs floating around the Internet.”

Comment 2 link:

"Many folks already deploying it and using it to deliver Internet and other IP traffic.

I personally think whatever you deploy is that big a deal from an Internet POV - but what is important is a method of ensuring path separacy otherwise you’re going to be running that PDH/SDH mess for a lot longer than you want to. SR for sure whether its MPLS or V6 is probably a case of ketchup or brown sauce."

So, I believe: We need to talk about SRv6:open_mouth: