What factors determine internet speed on our mobile?

What factors determine internet speed on our mobile?

With the continuous introduction of new generation wireless technologies, there are many variables at play.

Here is a quick summary of this topic, which is one of my favorites to discuss in my training programs.

Stay tuned for my upcoming video files that will explain this topic in greater detail.

LinkedIn (and Source): :point_down:

I would also add:

  • Backhaul Capacity
  • And in the case of Speedtest: configuration on the virtual servers responsible for download/upload in speed tests.

A good Marketing department publishing benchmark results. :smiley:

Main factor is SNR.

If SNR is low (lower then certain threshold) it doesn’t matter what kind of RAN features supported by eNB or UE, type and category of UE, subscription plan and so on.

MCS is mentioned there, which is the main factor and the output of SNR. :slight_smile: