Users decreased after upgrade from 2T2R to 4T4R

But that will shrink coverage, no option for that.

And if you can, compare TA before 2T2R and 4T4R also.

Tried by reducing A2 threshold to maintain the no of user to some extent.

What’s your bandwidth and frequency?
And how much carriers do you have?

4T4R requires alot of resource: harware, license, power.
But I think it does not have much improvement for real network.

Significant improvement in CQI and User Throughput.

It will improve CQI.
If your bandwidth is more play with load balancing.
But depends on bandwidth and carrier you have.

How about traffic gain?

He has lost traffic…

Does anyone trial MIMO 2x2 to 4x2 for wide deployment, with same power configuration?

Yes, but only slight reduction in traffic.

Slight will do.
What’s the issue then?

Customer is asking for the users. :wink:

To keep coverage same, should increase license 20W.

Customer did not understand the funda for 4t4r its for capacity to comprise on coverage
Yes, you need to have more RRU power for that.

May be in future.

Increase carrier aggregation priority high if not high prb and bandwidth is good.
And load balancing a bit delay.
Try with one site and check if any traffic slight increase.

Increase idle footprint as well by 3 dB.
I hope it will compensate the users you lost.

Rs power = pmax -10log10(no of RB*12) + gain if any
In your case is there any change in pmax as well like 43 change to 46 dBm?

RRU should support that.