UKTIN today released their Non-Terrestrial Networking Expert Working Group’s Future Capability Paper

UKTIN today released their Non-Terrestrial Networking Expert Working Group’s Future Capability Paper, which sets out a view of the UK telecoms ecosystem’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats around Non-Terrestrial Networking.

The paper explores the rapid convergence between terrestrial networks and space networks and opens up new business models, improving coverage, resilience and capacity.

Critically, the paper also highlights the lack of awareness around the new issues raised by NTN. It is a network involving moving entities not faced before in mobile networks and there’s much work to be done to prepare the industry.

Please do have a read of the paper and please share your thoughts :bookmark_tabs::bulb:

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Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, Digital Catapult, Cranfield University, Satellite Applications Catapult

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Is there any simulation software for NTN?