Today's XCHANGING IDEAS #49 - Global 5G Evolution - Conference

Check NOW! May 2024 great line up speakers at today’s Conference

XCHANGING IDEAS #49 Global 5G Evolution - 5G Key Highlights!


  • Judit Bastida, Barcelona, Spain – Introduction
  • Kaneshwaran Govindasamy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Harnessing Generative AI for Telcos
  • Genedyn Gems Mendoza, Manila, Philippines - Reconfigurable Rf power amplifiers
  • Dr. Christian Kloch, PhD, MBD, Copenhagen, Denmark - Danish 5G Innovation Hub & Testbed
  • Ken Zhang, California, USA -, Parker, Colorado, USA - AI-driven Private mobile network
  • Kamal Taman, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – The Crucial Role of 5G in Shaping the Evolution of Smart Cities
  • Sunil David, Chennai, India - Redefining the Manufacturing Industry Landscape - the 5G impact
  • Vanessa Alejandra Moreno Galue, Madrid, Spain - Private 5G as an enable of Smart Industry and Logistics
  • Dmitry Kurbatov, Dubai, UAE - Cybersecurity Automation in 5G Environments
    Questions & Answers Session

Big Thanks to the Brilliant Speakers!

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