TOAD Export Out of Memory problem

Hello Experts.

I am using Toad for Oracle.

I am trying to export 490k records.

Seems it has a problem - Out of Memory.

Anyone using Toad, and can help?

Note: i have followed the telecomHall tutorial (Using Toad as Best Free Database Management Tool - Example with Toad Freeware and Oracle Instant Client), and it was working perfectly the latest 5 years.

Just now this error appear.

Help please.

It’s easy to solve, as it is a “known” problem.

When exporting, UNCHECK the option “Display all results in grid”

It is the option to have the grid mirror what you write to the file. It was common in older versions of TOAD: “clone cursor”.

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Thank You very much.

It worked! :slight_smile: