The Bridge Toward 6G: 5G-Advanced Evolution in 3GPP Release 19

Ready to leap from 5G-Advanced to 6G? Buckle up! This article, “The Bridge Toward 6G: 5G-Advanced Evolution in 3GPP Release 19,” unveils the roadmap.

3GPP’s Release 18 laid the groundwork for 5G-Advanced, and now Release 19 (starting in 2024) focuses on bringing it to life. It’s the crucial bridge to the future of connectivity - 6G.

Get the inside scoop on Release 19, fresh from the December 2023 3GPP plenary meeting. Dive deep into the key technologies propelling 5G-Advanced forward, from use cases to cutting-edge developments. We’ve got you covered!

The Bridge Toward 6G:5G-Advanced Evolution in 3GPP Release 19.pdf

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