Shared RRU - Ericsson


Is there any way to find out if the RRU unit has been shared between different RAT in Ericsson? Via some exports. I know to find it via moshell, but there are a lot of sites…

Hi @tanec . You may check it with isSharedWithExternalMe parameter under FieldReplaceableUnit MO. But sometimes operators set it to true even RRU is not shared with other nodes. So, it should be double-checked. Other way to check if all CPRI ports on RRU are connected to some nodes is to give coli command lh ru ricr -a. Both (usually the count of CPRI ports under RRU is 2) links will be in “Up” state in case RRU connected to 2 nodes.

If u using ENM u can list wit cmedit command. For example:
cmedit get * FieldReplaceableUnit.isSharedWithExternalMe -t. However, it may turn out that the command will give an error due to the fact that the search is going through all the nodes that run on your ENM. Therefore, instead of an asterisk, you can write the initial letters of the site names or use all the sites already collected on ENM in one collection, for example:

cmedit get --collection SITES FieldReplaceableUnit.isSharedWithExternalMe" -t
or try to get info for shared RRU only with TRUE sharing:
cmedit get --collection SITES FieldReplaceableUnit.isSharedWithExternalMe==true" -t

OK thanks. But what if RRU is shared between L2100 and UMTS2100 and both technologies are on the same baseband?
I think that if isSharedWithExternalMe = TRUE, it means that RRU is controled by different basebands under different techologies…

Yes, You are right. In this case you may check if there are several carriers under one RRU by get SectorEquipmentFunction reservedby command. An example:

SectorEquipmentFunction=1 reservedBy [2] =
reservedBy = ENodeBFunction=1,SectorCarrier=XXX
reservedBy = BtsFunction=1,GsmSector=YYY,Trx=0

It means that respective RRU has 1 LTE carrier and 1 GSM trx.

You may also use invxg command which also provide similar information with quite friendly way.

cmedit get xxxx sectorequipmentfunction.reservedby -t
Where xxxx is site names

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