Print Folder


Using Windows Explorer, print the list of files and directories contained in a given directory. Not easy?

Yes, but this is no problem for the program Print Folder of Nonsense Software, which lists the files that are possible within a directory listing and a copy of your print.

Why Use Print Folder?

Print Folder is a program that allows a listing of all files (and subdirectories) in a given directory.

The program is very easy to use, and you can customize the list of files according to your preferences. You can list only the filenames, or include file size, date, time, path, extension, attributes, date and time of creation, etc… The output you also formats for text, HTML or delimited list.

Installation and License

Installing the Print Folder is trivial, and the program is free. Download the installation program from the Internet, and proceed with the default installation.

Program Site: Freeware – No Nonsense Software


Program Interface

The program interface is also very simple.

Simply open the desired directory (Menu: File → Open Folder), and the files and subdirectories are listed.
TIP: You can use the Print Folder through the menu options right mouse button. Navigate in Windows Explorer to the directory you want, and select Print Folder.

In the example below, we show the listing of the files in Windows.

You can copy the contents (like in Notepad) and work as needed!


This was a brief summary of the software Print Folder. This is a small program to list the contents of a given directory, facilitating, for example, functions and organization of catalog files.

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