PDU session release request IE (5G mm cause)

Hi All.

What if UE does not send PDU session release request with no 5Gsm cause value?

Then how will 5G Core (AMF) send PDU session release command in response (5Gsm cause) of it?

There could be 2 possibility: Either SMF sends PDU session modification reject or PDU session release reject message.

And for that there are 2 cause codes available:

  1. Cause#43: Invalid PDU session identity.
    (SMF send cause code when does not have any session)

  2. Cause#95: Protocol error or semantically incorrect message.
    (SMF report receipt with semantical error also)

My views and assumptions :point_up::pray:

Check 6.3.3 from TS 24.501.

It has details of all procedure related to NW initiated PDU session release and with respective causes.

Can also be #36 Regular deactivation : For normal PDU release.

Thanks to both of you!

I managed to verify in renowned tool and found, regular deactivation should go as cause for UE requested PDU session release.

Can someone help on what causes #36 regular deactivation from UE and how to resolve it ?