Paging discard solutions

Hello Ericsson Experts:
When we have Paging discard (counter “pmPagDiscarded”) we usually increases the Max Number of Paging Records.
Anything else can we do apart that?

You can change the value of nB from 1T to 2T.

Hello @Vicky ,

Have you solved the problem?

I have same problem, no issue paging discarded.
I just Audit parameter paging related with EricssonLeanCarrier.
Before Nb = T, as recommended ALEX Ericsson.
If you have ELC Feature is active, so you must set NB to T1_4.
After change parameter value, Paging Discared increase.

Can you help me about this problem?
Thank You

Split LAC/TAC.

I resolved same with TAC Split.

Check Transport loss, BBU capacity with S1 no paging sent.
It’s resolved by BBU capacity and TA replanning most cases.
Keep 50-100 eNB max in a TA.

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One can have TAC with 50 cells loaded that have more paging than TAC with 500 cells with less paging due to number of users with lot of talks.
Number of cells is not always relevant.
It depends if rural or urban.
It also depends what kind of cells there are on that TAC.
There are users that make 100 calls per day or users that make one single call for 3 days.
I mean PS pagings are huge think about Facebook, Linkedin, WhatsApp, etc.

I’ll think over your suggestion and will perform a small trial on TAC spliting.

And maybe to work with some parameters:
defaultPagingCycle, nB, pagingDiscardTimerDrx…

Can also add trial by removing TAL if it exists.

I have seen in my NW if TAL contain TACs with different locations it increases pagging load and results discards as well.

Those parameters are configured according to bandwith.

Also if you play these parameters, they have direct impact to you call setup time.

Major cause of paging discard is due to physical channel PCH congestion.
The capacity of PCH channel is indicated by: how many paging messages it can by transmitted per second/min/hour?
So, to avoid paging discard we can do:
1, Reduce number of paging messages sent over air interface: split TAC, reduce number of cells, or active feature smart paging at core network ( first paging on the last site/cell UE camped on, then if failed paging whole TAC)

2, Increase PCH capacity: by change some parameters as above.

Hi friends.
Please suggest more parameters to reduce paging discard in LTE.
Tuned paging nb but no significant improvement observed.

I resolved it by splitting TAC.

Yes it is planned, but other dependency is also there.
Any parameter to minimize this?

Change max number of paging records to 12 or 16 from 7.

Greetings Experts.
Recently i tunned and activated ELC (Ericsson Lean CArrier) but i face paging discard (we should set T/16 for nB to gain this feature ) but even with T/8 we face paging discard.

My question is here: is really paging discard that brings problem?

Paging discard can also be due to capacity issue or in inter MME border Area.
Is there high Cce on sites happening?
Or Core issue can also cause this.

What is value of pagingdiscardtimer and T3413 MME timer?

Here it is in RAN , for MME i do not know.

 pagingDiscardTimerDrx 3
 pagingDiscardTimerDrxNb 6
 pagingDiscardTimerEdrx 13
 pagingDiscardTimerEdrxNB 31