Mobility Robustness Optimization (MRO) Feature

Hi Experts,
Anyone tried Mobility Robustness Optimization (MRO) feature?
Vendor Huawei.

Any recommendation for parameter settings and outcome of this feature?

I tried this giving good result to avoid ping pong HO.

It works well but better adjust the footprint of overlaping cells.
MRO will just reduce the number of RLF and will not improve throughput in overlapping area.
Basically MRO will change the CIOs between neigboring relations to trigger A3 event sooner or later.

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Does it improve handover success rate?
And what other impacts have you seen?
Can you share your implemented settings?

What is max and min CIO range you are allowing to change by MRO?
It is very crucial to set these values properly.

Do you mean it will work well in rural areas where overlapping is less, and in urban areas gain of that feature is comparatively less?

I tried in one small city with CIO db-4 and db4 but no gain seen.
I have seen another proposal where they set db-24 and db24 and good improvement was observed.

db-24 and db24 is definitely too much. db-4 and db4 should be OK for CIOs.

CIO should not reduced HO margin to less than 0.
You should take of this.
And yes values ±24 are absolutely wrong.

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If you work with default settings of Huawei you will have no problem unless your RF plan is a disaster. This is why I am saying that it is better to correct RF plan (titls, azimuth, power) instead of activating MRO.
It provides much better results.

Another observation: Instead of implementing MRO, based on neighbouring stats we can adjust CIO with worst performing cells and it gave much better results.
Secondly @RFSpecialist, your point is right: RF plan must be adjusted well.

Values like db-24 and db24 will lead to negative SINRs leading to plenty of radio link failures.
Don’t know what kind of improvements you have seen with those 2 values.

I have not implemented those values, i found on shared served this trial . Some person in some other country have implemented this.
I implemented with db-4 and db4.

You need to evaluate MRO based on how many radiolinkfailures were reduced with your trial.
Also look at cells throughput and SINR distribution.
Also the balance between too early and too late handovers.
But as I said: MRO won’t do miracles without a proper RF plan (tilts, azimuth power, dominance of best server etc).

Also check cqi kpi and bler of your network.

I did it.
In Ericsson network (AMO) it gave good results in rural areas, and in Nokia network, in urban area, also gave good results.

when i activate the MRO feature i have notice that the indicator
VS_HO_IaF_IrC_IaLTE_MRO_fail_TooLate_src was increase from zero to 76 per hour while the other indicators for TooEarly & ToWrongCell are almost Zero as shown in the below figure.
is it a normal behavior ?
How can i know that this feature is functioning well ?
Is there other indicator needs to check ?

MRO improves HO success rate but degrades Throughput.

So best is to optimizer serving cells, dominance.

RF plan in general.

Why throughput will degrade?

It should improve Throughput as ping pong will be less.

Ping pong happens because RF is like this: suitable for ping-pong.

Even if you do ping-pong your throughput will nto degrade.

But if you do not do ping-pong (this is what MRO does) it will degrade throughput.