LTE maximum CA in Uplink

Hi all, what is the max number of UL CC for UL CA LTE you have seen and with which UE?

Max 2 CC in Uplink can be intra band or inter band.

I havenā€™t seen more than 2 UL CC yet

8 in 4G and 16 in 5G.

But operators are going till 4 CC so far.

Additional question is: how to check UL CA mode?

RRC reconfiguration?

You can check RRC connection reconfiguration having IE UL config as true with scell index 1.

Good! Thank you!

Do you know how to check if UE is capable of CA in UL?

UE capability?

I think you mean MIMO mode here in UL and DL.

8 CC CA in Uplink, where is it seen?

8 is max but implementation.

It is 4 so far by operators.

You can check UE capability information, where you can find supported band combination r10 IE there.

You can check info for CA combo having DL and UL bandwidth class like A, B etc.

Wow! Great :smiley:

I have seen 3 CC UL up to now in LTEā€¦

Is that a Smartphone or CPE/FWA product?

Samsung Smartphone.

I seen max 2 CC CA in LTE Uplink.

I have also seen max 2, but did not check Samsung S24 yet.

Xiaomi 14 also supports many combinationsā€¦