Is there any difference between UMTS 900Mhz & LTE 900 Mhz frequency?

Hi All.

What is the difference between UMTS 900Mhz & LTE 900 Mhz frequency?

Admin note: this post was updated with image below.

The spectrum (frequency) is exactly the same (there can only be some differences in the starting and ending frequencies of each frequency block which is allocated by the regulatory agencies to each MNO).

The difference is spectral efficiency, or how efficiently each technology uses a channel’s bandwidth.

In a formula, it would be:
Amount of data transmitted / Given Spectrum (or Bandwidth) with minimum transmission errors.

In Wireless network it is equivalent to the maximum number of bits of data that can be transmitted to a specified number of users per second - while maintaining an acceptable QoS (Quality of Service).

In this case, LTE is more efficient than UMTS (whatever the same frequency is 900, 1800, 2100…). See for example this comparison:

Hi thanks for the clarification. So it boils down to QoS and the allocated bandwidth. Appreciate it.