Is there a business case for 5G 28GHz mmwave?

Key Highlights
:white_check_mark: Kakao-led consortium (Stage X) won the bid for 5G spectrum in the 28GHz band.
:white_check_mark: They paid KRW430.1 billion, more than twice what incumbents paid in 2018.
:white_check_mark: This makes them the fourth mobile player in South Korea.
:white_check_mark: The consortium includes Kakao unit Stage Five and other local companies.

Potential Implications
:white_check_mark: Increased competition in the South Korean mobile market, potentially leading to:
:ballot_box_with_check:Lower prices for consumers
:ballot_box_with_check:More innovative services and offerings
:ballot_box_with_check:Faster network rollout and upgrades
:white_check_mark: Kakao leveraging its existing user base and expertise to build a strong mobile offering.
:white_check_mark: Potential challenges for Kakao:
:ballot_box_with_check:Building the necessary infrastructure and expertise to compete effectively.
:ballot_box_with_check:Attracting and retaining customers in a crowded market.

Additional questions to consider
:white_check_mark: What specific services will Kakao offer as a mobile operator?
:white_check_mark: How will they differentiate themselves from existing players?
:white_check_mark: What impact will this have on the broader South Korean telecommunications landscape?

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We have mmwave presentations available here

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