Iphone 12 battery optimization analysis

Experts, Iphone 12 battery optimization analysis?

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It has a battery less than 3000 mAh…
What do you expect from it? :wink:

I’m still trying to understand how Apple manages switching the UE from LTE to NR “depending on the needs”.
I thought UE had no call on 5G NR activation, unless they tweak UE capabilities frequently.
Would like to get network logs varying data pattern and see.

Indeed, it would be very cool to understand their algo.
One straight shot is VoLTE.

Apple favourite topic is DRX parameter optimization…
I’ve seen it from LTE to VoLTE to 5G :grinning:

Tthe only way to improve battery life that much is leaving the phone sleeping for 30 mins in a row each hour. :slight_smile: the UE will be 30 mins ON and 30 mins OFF.

Operators having blind faith in Apple recommendations.

True. This iPhone 12 is crazy.
Battery drainage is quite high so far.
It doesn’t last more than 4 hours.

iPhone 12 mini advertisement I saw today (Nov 07, 2020).

Hi @pawan Are you already using Apple recommended DRX settings for VoLTE as well as 5G NSA (almost in line with LTE) ?
What’s your SGNB addition strategy in the Network? Do you make it too aggressive in terms of using blind additions?
Since Apple has its own algorithm in scenarios of not using 5G NSA in very low data volume.

If you may clarify further issues observed during dedicated field testing or it’s a commercial scenario? What kind of data were used during testing?

If possible, keep Apple in LAB environment for same time duration and any other UE you wish to compare with with same scenarios testing, observe their Connected mode DRX sleep counters…

Hope this helps. Thank you.

Or tweaking UE capabilities in case of low battery ? :smiley:. “Needs” is really vague , and worse problem on my iPhone 12 is battery life and overheating.