Information about tcell in Nokia

Hi dears,
Anybody have information about tcell in nokia 3G w18?

In order to have dual cell working you need to make same sector with same tcell.

Thanks @AhmedKenzy.
But my question is: with airscale equipment and W18, have Tcell the same concept?

Sorry. I did not work on air scale.

I am using Airscale for 3G on some locations and I can tell you there is no change in concept of Tcells.

Same concept in airscale and previously system Modules (FSMx).

Have the seme concept, but is full of bugs.

That is true.
One bug was that 3rd cell has mac-hs efficiency droped to 10%.
After upgrade SRAN19A it is solved.

Have you noticed any other bugs?

No for UMTS… but for LTE yes…
There is issue in enb crash memory where IE capability is deleted and as a consequence scell configuration attempts droped for 30%.
Corrected in FL19A 3.1.

There is no change in SRAT or SRAN …concept remain same for TCELL, only 1 thing need to consider while creating 2nd carrier cells in same Node-B configuration the TCELL Value should be same for same sectors…