In which particular cases UE sends SIP 500 Sever Internal Error in Uplink during VoLTE call setup?

Hi Experts.

One question about VoLTE:

In which particular cases UE sends SIP 500 Sever Internal Error in Uplink during VoLTE call setup?

5xx errors are internal IMS errors.

They are raised if any node within IMS system is having an issue or not able to connect to another node (in the IMS).

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During 500 error additionally header of body should contain details of error.

Though it’s up to implementation to give clear details.

Can some one share VoLTE connectivity as well?

As with little explanations (as well as if anyone has something good related to VoIP).

Thanks. But I am speaking about UE sending SIP 500 server internal error in Uplink, not about IMS sending sip 500 in Downlink.

500 is a generic response.

It can be because of sdp parameters, or some headers not supported by UE.

As well as trafic flow template mismatch.

Forking, precondition etc there are many possible parameters.

I agree. In most cases there is a reason text giving a clue about error.

Check this: :point_down:

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If problem is not related IMS or server, please check your IP Delay, Latency, Lost KPIs for these cells.

If problem related with all sector and cells of same sites, it can be due to lost, if it is related single cell basis, it can be due to UE/Cell Uplink delay et die to RF condition is not dominance.

Sip 500 - Server Internal Error - VoIP Sip Codes and Solutions

What is the meaning of Sip 500 Server Internal Error?

Sip-500 means Server Internal Error. While tracking traffic if you receive this error code, probably you have a problem with the server that you are sending VoIP traffic to.

The consequences of the Sip 500 error code?

The main two consequences of receiving Sip 500 Server Internal Error are:

  • Low ASR - Average Success Rate
  • High PDD - Post Dial Delay
  • Low ASR and high PDD decrease revenue and cause loss in profit.

What are the main reasons for this error code?

There are several reasons for that error code, here are some of them:

  • There is a problem with the network of the person that we send the traffic

  • Vendor reasoned problems, not about traffic

How can we define the problem?

We can do a CDR value analysis test for decreasing the ASR value. We can define the Sip 500 error codes from the system.

What is the solution for the error code?

This error code is not about your system, we need to get in contact with the vendor and open a ticket to inform them about the problem.

Here are some other VoIP Sip Error Codes that you can see in a traffic:

  • Sip 404 Not Found
  • Sip 403 Forbidden
  • Sip 408 Request Timeout
  • Sip 504 Server Timeout
  • Sip 487 Request Terminated

Also check this: VoLTE SIP Methods, Response Codes and Details

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Thanks for detailed explanation!

Thanks mate, but this is a general description: it doesn’t answer my question of when UE sends in Uplink, during VOLTE call setup, SIP 500 server internal error.

On this link somebody have similar error, with solution:

May it can help you?

I had a look, but it doesn’t help…

Thanks anyway!

Sometimes problem arrises due to unexpected basic issues.

Please clear mobile cache if you receive it during Drive Test :slight_smile:

Thanks. But it is part of large drive test campaign.

We have several cases like this, not a singular issue.

client is invited to participate in call session and server do not resonse it due to packet lost , jitter deviation , delay , latency , wrong or duplicated IP Configuration within PCSCF , ICSCF on IMS Core Sides .

Thanks. But it is not answered.

Because in your case Server Internal error is sent by network not by UE.

If UE sends SIP500 in good coverage, why you don’t ask that to UE vendor especially to provide a good FW.

I seen many cases Samsung provided some firmwares for testing and call was failing.

If possible could you please share Tems Logfile for detail examination?

I swear it is very generic :slight_smile:

It can be triggered by any unexpected situation please see explanation from the basic sip RFC:

And I agree that this need to check Logfile.

If you provide the Invite message that is being refused with 500 it might be possible to make a comment.

But i know this is not easy to do (usually not allowed).

Because Samsung does not answer to those that are not their customers.

Samsung answers just to MNOs or direct retail buyers.

You’re right, I cannot share logfile - it is company property. :expressionless:

This is the way.

You have to focus on the individual UE - you will never find an answer to the question “why do any UE send SIP 500”. SIP 500 is a catch-all error and its implementation will be different for each phone.

With Apple you can connect the phone to a Mac and use the Apple Configurator App to read SIP and IMS related log messages from the phone.

With other phones, it will be more difficult. Unless you are a Tier 1 operator - there is no way to get sensible information or tools from the manufacturer.

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