Impact of PDV on base stations?

Does anyone know the impact of PDV on base stations?


PDV is known as Packet Delay Variation, and if the alarm apears it mean that, there was no stability on Synchronization reference for more that 10 second, which is indicator of bad LINK and need to be checked by MPBN or TX team.


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It’s also worth to know that the variation in packet delay is sometimes called “jitter”. This term, however, causes confusion because it is used in different ways by different groups of people.

“Jitter” commonly has two meanings: The first meaning is the variation of a signal with respect to some clock signal, where the arrival time of the signal is expected to coincide with the arrival of the clock signal. This meaning is used with reference to synchronous signals and might be used to measure the quality of circuit emulation, for example. There is also a metric called “wander” used in this context.

The second meaning has to do with the variation of a metric (e.g., delay) with respect to some reference metric (e.g., average delay or minimum delay). This meaning is frequently used by computer scientists and frequently (but not always) refers to variation in delay.

So, it’s recommended to avoid the term “jitter” whenever possible and stick to PDV delay variation which is more precise.

PDV measures the variation in delay of uni-directional, consecutive packets (packet 1 and 2, 2 and 3 etc.) which flow between between two hosts over an IP path. Low PDV is especially important for applications requiring timely delivery of packets, e.g. multimedia applications, VoIP, video etc. The maximum delay variation is useful for determining the optimal buffer sizes for such applications.