Imagine the End-to-end 6G architecture

  • Infrastructure Resource Layer: The backbone of 6G, it hosts network functions & services. Think switches, routers, data centers, cloud infrastructure, and radio gear (RU, DU, base stations).

  • Network Service Layer: Fully cloud-based, diverse clouds like far edge, edge, core/central, and public/private clouds. Multiple stakeholders will provide these clouds, bringing immense flexibility.

  • Far Edge: A universe of devices with various software and hardware tech, from personal gadgets to IoT devices.

  • An “exposure framework” connects these clouds, ensuring seamless interoperation and networking. The entire 6G architecture is software-based, intelligent, and efficient.

  • Applications on 6G will request communication and computation services with specific QoS and QoE requirements. A dedicated network slice delivers exactly that!

  • The Management and Orchestration Domain: It spans all 6G layers. Automation is key, with AI/ML tech driving closed-loop control.

  • Get ready for an ultra-connected, intelligent, and efficient communication era! 6G is on the horizon.

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