If irat and a3 both are triggered can it discard irat b2?

Hi All.

If irat and a3 both are triggered can it discard irat b2?

It depends on Measurement Config for HO triggering strategy.

A3 have an offset value for better neighbors trigger.

B1/B2 for InterRAT

Canceling B2 measurements and performing A3 handover is a common optimization technique.

It allows the mobile device to quickly and efficiently switch to a different cell within the same RAT system, while minimizing the impact on network resources and performance.

It should be related with general coverage per layer of other rats.

Normally A3 is kept before B1/B2. There is no point in degrading QoE if a better legacy network is available for the service in question.

Like SRVCC to 3G/2G.

For data, you can keep both A3 and B1/B2 at same threshold as throughput at LTE unloaded cell edge is still better.

So main perspective is QoE wrt service.