Hello everyone, I am a telecommunications tester.
I am implementing a Driver Test 5G NR measurement project using PCTel’s IBFlex Scanner connected to Tems Investigation.
Everything was fine until the end of the day, when the RNO informed me that the position would have to be remeasured first because the scanner was frozen and some sections of the route were missing.
While with the same scanning device, I did a Driver test with the phone using Tems Pocket and had no issues with the scanner freezing or losing its route.
The above situation has happened for many days now, many times I have had to travel more than 200km just to re-measure a section of the route that is only 50m long.
I have 3 IBFlex scanners, for the Drive team to test, all 3 teams encountered the above situation when connecting to Tems Investigation.
Please help me handle the above problem.
Thanks a lot!