How to find latitude and longitude from address (and find address from latitude and longitude)?

Hello Experts,

Sometimes i need to find an address based on Latitude/Longitude of a site. One way to do that is to open Google Earth, and add a placemark; then, edit Latitude and Longitude field, and check where the pin goes.

Although it works, i am sure there’s ‘better’ ways to do that.

Also, the contrary is also appreciated: given an Address, find the Latitude/Longitude.

Any tips?

Thanks a lot.

Hello @rafaeldamasio

The action of converting from Address to Latitude-Longitude (and vice-versa) is called geocoding.

There are several ways to do that, as you stated.

One good option is to use API’s from Map Server (i.e. Yahoo!, Bing Maps and of course, Google Maps).

When we convert an address or location into latitude-longitude we call it ‘Geocode’.
And when we convert a pair of latitude-longitude coordinate into address we call it ‘Reverse Geocode’.

Following you can find an URL for both options.

Note: it allow you to do a ‘BATCH’ converting, I mean, convert a ‘list’ of addresses into pairs of latitude-longitude; or convert a ‘list’ of pairs of latitude-longitude into addresses.

Simply COPY & PASTE your list in the appropriate field, and wait for your result.


To convert addresses or locations into latitude-longitude coordinate pairs:

  1. Enter your addresses/locations in the input field, one address per line, up to a few hundred addresses.
  2. Select the desired outputs via the checkboxes in the “Batch Geocode Output Fields” box.
  3. Choose whether or not to include failed geocodes in your output via the checkbox in the “Batch Geocode Settings” box.
  4. Likewise, choose whether or not you want a header row of field labels at the top of your output in the same box.
  5. Select a field delimiter (separates the output fields) for your output in the same box.
  6. Click the “geocode” button to begin geocoding.
  7. Your results will be displayed incrementally in the “output” field. The “Batch Geocode Results” box will display the total number of addresses processed, the time it took to process them and the results of the processing.
  8. When processing is complete you can copy the results from the output field.


To convert latitude-longitude coordinate pairs into addresses:

  1. Enter your comma separated latitude-longitude coordinates in the input field, one pair per line, up to a few hundred coordinate pairs.
  2. Select the desired outputs via the checkboxes in the “Batch Reverse Geocode Output Fields” box.
  3. Choose whether or not to include failed reverse geocodes in your output via the checkbox in the “Batch Reverse Geocode Settings” box.
  4. Likewise, choose whether or not you want a header row of field labels at the top of your output in the same box.
  5. Select a field delimiter (separates the output fields) for your output in the same box.
  6. Click the “geocode” button to begin reverse geocoding.
  7. Your results will be displayed incrementally in the “output” field. The “Batch Reverse Geocode Results” box will display the total number of coordinates processed, the time it took to process them and the results of the processing.
  8. When processing is complete you can copy the results from the output field.



Hi ! Can you please refer ma any source code in PHP for this… How to find latitude and longitude from address and vice versa…

Thank You so much @ranielepassos!

I’ve been looking for this for so long!!!