How to convert a KML file to TAB file?

Tg Charles, (Nigeria):
Hello all please is it possible for me to convert back a kml file that can only show on google earth back to a tab file that can show on mapinfo or tems investigation?

Tg Awesh (India):
Global mapper

Tg Taoufik Mohamed (Morocco):
Yes, Try globall mapper

Tg Ezio Auditore (Angola):
Open kml in Global Mapper and convert to tab or mif

Tg Abdi J GM (Indonesia):
I’m using open-source QGIS Desktop to convert directly KML in to TAB.
Just open the KML/KMZ (add vector) and do save as… choose TAB

Tg Yaseen Al-Zuraiqi (Yemen):
The QGIS … is it free of charge ??

Tg Abdi J GM (Indonesia):
It’s free. It’s an open source software


@Tg Abdi, kindly explain more on how to us QGIS software. I am new to this software. thanks