How many (max) Timeslots a UE can be assigned in EDGE for GSM?

Guys, a quick question.

For GSM throughput calculation, in Uplink, how many Timeslots a UE can be assigned in EDGE?
I mean what is the max value for max throughput calculation.
I know that in EDGE with MCS9 the throughput is 59.2 Kbpsec (per timeslot as per this link: GSM throughput calculation | GPRS EGPRS throughput-CS1-4,MCS1-9) and I am looking to multiply that value with the number of timeslots max the Ue can be asigned.
Or is it wrong for uplink throughput in GSM calculation?

Sorry I don’t have much GSM experience…

Just look 2-4 timeslot max and not all supports MCS-9.
Also look at GPRS data slot in that cell and overall cells in that BSC to calculate throughput.
My experience is around 100-150 MB per BSC seen per day (2020).

My question was for one UE.
What would be the max throughput for one UE in uplink for EDGE?

Around 59.2 or 118.
Not seen more than 1 TS.