How does Open RAN Architecture fit with the 5G Core?

  • My friend: Hi Ibrahim, I have a question for you.

    • Me: Please, go ahead.
  • My friend: I was wondering how the Open RAN architecture can be used with the 5G Core?

    • Me: It is very simple as Open RAN architecture that is suggested by the O-RAN Alliance is following the 3GPP standard and just adding some enhancements to it regarding the openness and intelligence. So, O-CU-UP will be connected via the N3 interface towards the UPF, while O-CU-CP will be connected via N2 interface to the AMF which is completely like what 3GPP proposed regarding the 5G architecture.
  • My friend: But what about the near-RT RIC and non-RT RIC?

    • Me: Both near-RT RIC and non-RT RIC are used within the Open RAN architecture to enhance the RAN performance using AI and ML to provide value added services regarding RAN intelligence and operation by introducing a lot of innovations through using different xApps and rApps from different vendors, but both types of RIC don’t have interfaces with the core as they are concerned with RAN only.
  • My friend: So, can we have 5G network without near-RT RIC and non-RT RIC?

    • Me: Yes, of course. The RIC is a part of the Open RAN architecture but not a part of the 5G architecture proposed by the 3GPP. Even many of the open RAN trials done earlier doesn’t have RIC as they are testing the openness and interoperability of different equipment from various vendors when they are connected together and by adding RIC, they will test intelligence by using xApps and rApps from different vendors, so some Open RAN trails are using RIC, but not all of them.
  • My friend: Thank you so much. You made it very clear.

    • Me: You are most welcome.

LinkedIn: Ibrahim Sayed, PMP on LinkedIn: #5g #5gnr #5gtechnology #openran #oran | 13 comments

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