How can we use this crowdsourced data in RF planning tool?

Hello Experts.

Has anyone experience with Umlaut crowd sourcing data?

How can we use this crowdsourced data in RF planning tool?

Any lead will be appreciated. Thanks

Do you have a link for this crowdsource data database or it is not public?

I don’t have access to data database.

Crowdsourcingdata can be mapped by tiles with average RSRP, avg RSRQ, avg SINR, avg UL and DL throughput.

Same for CA

I am using Asset radio planning tool and want to use Umlaut crowdsourced data.

Can you share any case study or any link which can help me with this?

Or in general, how Umlaut crowdsourced data should be used?

But do you have access to Umlaut data?

As far as I know this is not free for public to use data unless something has changed.

Umlaut, RootMetrics, Oookla, Facebook, all have crowdsourced data but this need to be purchased etc.

Same for Opensignal corwdsourcing.

As group members explained this data is not accessible for everyone.

If you have access to any crowdsource data then these are very useful for RF planning.

Now it’s depends on users objective how to use this data…

For example:

  1. A planning tool vendor can use this data for propagation model enhancement considering grid wise crowdsource RSRP.

  2. An existing service provider can use crowdsource data of it’s own network as a feedback (coustomer experience) for network optimisation using grid wise crowdsource RSRP and SINR.

  3. A new service provider can use other operators crowdsource data for traffic file genaration (suscribe based traffic and demand based traffic) using grid wise crowdsource sample count and DL UL throughput.

Are you able to use it for benchmarking, knowing where the subscribers are, how many, from which operator and what does coverage (RSRP), quality and throughput look like?

Based on my experience with a crowdsource data I can say Yes we can use it.

Hopefully same is applicable for other crowdsource data.

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