How can we calculate Number of beams in 5G NSA?

Hi Experts
How can we calculate Number of beams in 5G NSA?

How can we know the Maximum beam count for specific Hardware used (32T32R / 64T64R).

  1. Static beam Count (Broadcast beam/ Control beam)
  2. Dynamic beam Count (PUSCH / PDSCH)

Vendor is Huawei

Admin note: this post was updated with image below.

Dynamic beam you mean how many possible beams on footprint to cover the whole sector?

This is N1xN2xO1xO2

For static beam you have also in RRC reconfig.

Let me show you an example.

Here is the static beams: ssb-PositionsInBurst → mediumBitmap : '11111111’B(255)
In this case there are 8 all of them enabled.

And for static here is n1 and n2:

So n1 is 2 and n2 is 1 so the number of dynamic beams will be 8 if PMI based.


How can we know the static mean it dynamic beams azimuth, horizonal gain vertical gain.

This is part of AAU datasheet that you ask from Vendor.

Huawei has very clear about this.

They even have a parameter called coverage scenario with 15 possible values.

Either large in H or large in V.

Or narrow with deep penetration etc.

Depending on planner what he will choose.

Yes, currently default scenario is set.

Which is as per AAU.

Thy this one. Timing 16:30


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