Horizontal Antennas Use Cases

These look like a festival COWs. This can be used in several scenarios.

  1. As mentioned above, to cover very tall building from short distance
  2. Cheap way to do multisector(multibeam) setup for a high capacity events.
  3. Cheap way to do coverage on very narrow area, like a bridge.
  4. I have seen a use case where operator wanted strong coverage along border but minimum interference across border. This horizontal setup was used.

more use-cases if you get creative :slight_smile:

The most common application for horizontally mounted antennas are in sports stadiums.

In those venues, capacity is the main objective (of course coverage is nice to have too). The seating is divided into many narrow sectors around the bowl with coverage from the top row to the bottom row.

The antenna must have a very narrow horizontal beamwidth to prevent overlapping sectors and a decent vertical beamwidth to achieve this result.

Since most cellular antennas have a narrow vertical beamwidth compared to their horizontal beamwidth, turning it on its side reverses the beamwidths.

Some antenna manufacturers have models that are specifically for stadiums that do just this.

Why not just take the vertical antennas and turn them on their side? As some have pointed out, it is the location of the weep holes to allow moisture to drop away from the antenna instead of moisture entering the antenna.

Also the placement of the RF connectors can be placed in the back rather than the bottom to avoid the ugliness seen in this post’s image.

Yeah, it’s making rounds around LinkedIn

Although many made fun of and pointed out the obvious issues with managing the sidelobes.

But I am really curious to know what was the actual performance

I am also curious to know HOW can we monitor the performance under this setting.

As a start, how do you differentiate the UE received data based on different vertical antenna layers?

This is in USA:


Pointing to a building my guess.

I thought Ill never see that, but I guess somebody was convinced by that idea. :slight_smile:

You don’t need to “differentiate the UE received data based on different vertical antenna layers” since these traditional passive antennas don’t have that capability anyway. And for MaMIMO there is no real need to flip antenna like that due to beamforming and also vendors provide different Broadcast/Traffic beam patterns for different clutter use cases.

Maybe it works with less numbers of antennas to avoid the Interference.

Well, you know the guy that already did it already spent in many things just to try so this person will find the arguments to defend this no matter what.

Yes, sure he succeeded after many times failed.

I hope for the best.

I agree it intends to be a multibeam arrange for high traffic events.

I agree it will be a very noisy environment. In my opinion this interference (overlapping) happens because of the horizontal beamwidth (that is vertically positioned here).

I agree also that you should not use.

But if you want to try, bringing the antennas 1 or 2m behind the rooftop edge to make a physical shade on the 65Âș beamwidth might help.

I suppose. :slight_smile: