Hexa-X : the 6G research agenda

Hexa-X is a broad collaborative initiative to frame the 6G research agenda and lay the groundwork for a long-term European investment in future wireless network technology.

The vision of Hexa-X…

:rocket: Unparalleled Experience - We’re committed to delivering the network performance necessary to meet the demanding use cases of 2030.

:brain: Intelligent Connectivity - The rise of AI and ML has paved the way for interconnected intelligent systems, unlocking new applications and providing deeper insights into various operations.

:globe_with_meridians: A Network for Every Need - Our focus is on network flexibility, scaling operations from general-purpose wide-area networks to specialized local networks with exceptional performance and reliability.

:bridge_at_night: Bridging the Digital Divide - In our quest to bridge the global digital divide, we’re dedicated to providing cost-effective and affordable connectivity for all.

:lock: Trust is Paramount - As mobile communication becomes increasingly integral to our modern industries and societies, the need to maintain secure and uninterrupted connections is more important than ever.

:herb: Sustainable Future - With sustainability being a pressing issue, 6G is set to make a significant positive impact on our industries and societies. However, it’s equally important to minimize the environmental footprint of 6G systems.

Image Source: Hexa-x & Ericsson

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