Formula for LTE PDCCH_CCE_Usage

Hi Experts,
Please suggest me the formula for LTE PDCCH_CCE_Usage.
Vendor Ericsson.

It’s like agg level 1 usage / sum of agg level 1 + 2 + 4 + 8
Similarly for agg level 2, 4, 8.

You meant pdf 0 / 0 + 1 + 2…
And pdf 1 / 0 + 1 + 2…

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For Ericsson if it’s pdf = agg level.
Check if terminology is same, or not in Ericsson.

Yes that true but i have this:

I believe something is missing.

I guess what you are asking is the CCE utilization, which is the average of UsedCCE over maxAvailCCE.

I am not sure about other vendors, but AFAIK E// doesnt have a dedicated counter for UsedCCE that combines (DL+UL)*(Traffic+Control) assignments.

Instead, it has pmPdcchCceUtil for that purpose.

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