Excel formula to find delta Layers

Hi Experts.
One different help required: Microsoft Excel.

Suppose in Year 1 layers in site is L18+L21.
In Year 2 it has L9+L18+L21+L26.
I want to calculate delta layers through Excel formula.
I.e. it should return L9+L26


I tried the substitute function, but it is not giving proper result
Any help on this?

Hi @arnab_ece05.

I am not sure this is the best way to do this, but this is how I would do (to do it quickly). :wink:

www-telecomhall-net_excel-formula-to-find-delta-layers.xlsb.zip (7.8 KB)

Tip: please note that, to find text in an Excell cell, the best way is to FIND but also ISNUMBER function.
This is to avoid getting β€œ#VALUE” error - if you try to find using only FIND function, and Excel don’t find it.
Check the attached sample file for details, and ask here if you have any question.


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