Example Project (Churn Analysis) of a Telecommunications Company

Great Project to present a report (newsletter type) of some BASIC Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of a fictional Telecommunications Company.

Tool Used:

  • SQL (For all Analysis)
  • Excel (web scraping to extract Counties)
  • Power BI (to visualize the outputs for better understanding)
  • Powerpoint (final design)

Example Project (Churn Analysis) of a Telecommunications Company

This is an example report, made to show how data analysis tools can provide relevant insights for decision making.

Data analysis is a path of no return, not only in Telecom as an example, but in all areas!

The example is quite “simple”, as the great data analysis professionals use more powerful languages, such as Python instead of Excel for web scraping.

But it is an excellent starting point for those who want to start, and a good point for ideas from those who already make these reports (again → in Telecom or any other area)
