Hi, @King, looks like some of carriers referenced to basebandpool=3. This needs to activate some licensed features. At least this:
CXC4020084 FAJ1213928 Inceased Cell Carrier Support for DUW
If carriers<=6 you can tie them all to basebandpool=1.
DUW> mom Carrier downlinkBaseBandPoolRef
MO Class Attribute Type Flags
Carrier downlinkBaseBandPoolRef moRef:DownlinkBaseBandPool restricted,noNotification
A reference to a DownlinkBaseBandPool to which the carrier is allocated. The carrier is also allocated to the corresponding UplinkBaseBandPool where UplinkBaseBandPoolId is equal to DownlinkBaseBandPoolId.
Relevant when Sector::sectorConfiguration contains ADVANCED_CONFIGURATION or FLEXIBLE_CARRIER_MAPPING.
Precondition: Corresponding sector not initiated.
Dependencies: If NodeBFunction::featureStateIncreasedCellCarrierSupport is set to ACTIVATED, it is allowed to refer to the DownlinkBaseBandPool that has DownlinkBaseBandPoolId set to 1 or 2, or 3.
If NodeBFunction::featureStateIncreasedCellCarrierSupport is set to DEACTIVATED, it is allowed to refer to the DownlinkBaseBandPool that has DownlinkBaseBandPoolId set to 1 or 2.
If downlinkBaseBandPoolRef is not NULL, the value of Sector::sectorConfiguration must be set to ADVANCED_CONFIGURATION or FLEXIBLE_CARRIER_MAPPING.
Takes effect: At commit of initSector.
Total: 1 MOs, 1 attributes