ENM AMOS Restriction

Hi guys just want to know how can you implement AMOS command restriction on a per team level.
NOC Engineers- Can execute only lst bl deb but cannot execute set command
Configuration Ran Engineer- Can execute anything
Field Engineers-Can execute only all query commands

Hi, @Dennis_Ong, you need to create custom roles and select capabilities. For AMOS it is:

AMOS amos_em_m2m read Allows execution of the MO READ (get) commands via m2m communication.
AMOS amos_em_m2m create Allows execution of the MO WRITE (set) commands via m2m communication.
AMOS amos_em_m2m patch Allows execution of the MO WRITE (fset) commands via m2m communication.
AMOS amos_em_m2m execute Allows execution of the TELNET (fro) commands via m2m communication.

Than assing that roles to users. Also you can create Target Groups for specific network elements and assign it to users. There is no possibility to restrict commands.

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Thank You @vlr9999! I’ve also looked into that but my problem we want to limit commands on a more granular level. Sample I want all read only commands plus Block/Deblock cells, reset nodes but shouldn’t be able to Set parameters. Is there such a way?

@Dennis_Ong , we’ve been asking E/// support about this - there is no other way.