Dears, I have created what I called EasyOokla App.
It’s basically an application that can deal with Android and iOS zip files “raw data” extracted directly from the Ookla portal.
I‘ve been dealing with Ookla raw data for a while as my daily routine tasks, extracting and analyzing the data, get insights and prepare useful cases, trying to find network issues that contribute to low throughput and high latency aiming to improve and enhance our Operator SpeedTest Score.
The bottleneck issue was to deal with the raw data itself especially in situations where you can not use your data analytics tools such as Python and Tableau etc.
I have developed “EasyOokla App” to download, extract and manipulate the data with just a button click.
This App will save time and efforts especially dealing with so many raw data files …
The App is available and anyone can use it immediately…
The user guide and the App are available for download at below links:
Most welcome brother,
The output files are devided into 2 main categories:
1- “GET Grouped by data” Grouping the raw data by Main attributes
Such as: Day, Technology, Data_Source, location_type, App_version, Operator_name, ISP Name, client city, server sponsor name, server_name, count(test_id), avg(dl_thr), avg(ul_thr), median(latency)
There are 3 output files under this category one for IOS, one for Android and one combined together.
You can download one month from Ookla and data can be grouped together… Without any issues…
2- “GET Manipulated data” in this category I have removed unwanted attributes and I kept the most important ones in addition to adding ranges for Thr, Latency and km_between. So we can Analyze the data much easier…
There are 3 output files as well under this category, one for IOS data one for Android and one combining both files together…
This category is suitable for deep analysis as many attributes are there…
I have plan to add visualization and other features as well I was thinking to wait untill everything is ready and as planned . but due to the workload things postponeded then I have decided to share what’s ready and with time I will add more features…
Dear Oliv,
Thanks for your question, I have added the user guid link together with the App.
The output files should be available in the same target file location when you click “select folder” basically this is a target folder where all your files will be stored/downloaded in it.
Im preparing a video how it works explaining and showing the App Output
Dears, after receiving many positive feedback and recommendations from #EasyOokla App users, I have upgraded the app to v.3 with newly added features, that can help further analyze #Ookla and #speedtest data, as below:
1- Plot low throughput samples based on a given threshold using an interactive map.
2- Filter for operator using MCC, MNC codes.
3- Generate KML and HTML files for low throughput samples that can be shared easily with team members.
4- For CEM Teams, a standalone feature to correlate Ookla data with CEM data so we can know exactly the network and user information for each test such as Cell name, PGW name, IMSI number … etc.
For any inquiries, questions or recommendations feel free to contact me via
Dears I will update the App to v.4 as Ookla team did some changes in the raw data and column names.
Also, i wanna to have ideas to use ML or Deep Learning algorithms to predict / cluster or classify future tests, or predicting worst areas or throghupt trends… etc.
If you have ideas or wanna work together in a projects like this feel free to contact me
Also, I have completed recently Automatic radio report generation for Ad Hoc complaints based on Geo-Location data files per user IMSI.
Load the data and just run exe file, the report will be automatically generated containgn all radio information for the User IMSI.
Hi Dear, I think there is something wrong with your program because for example the technology reported 3G in your output but device was not connected to any UARFCN. same issue for other technologies. please review your method of calculating technology.
Hello brother,
The output of the technology should be based on Ookla raw-data fields definitions, however, it could be changed from the Ookla side. I will check the output and methodology of Ookla definitions then i will get back to you, also if you could share a sample from the data that you extracted and share with me via
abdarwish AT outlook DOT com