Does anybody having idea of CPU pinning in Kubernets?

Hello Experts.

Does anybody having idea of CPU pinning in Kubernets?

Admin note: this post was updated with image below.
CPU pinning in Kubernets


CPU Pinning Concept

CPU Pinning is one of the techniques used for improving the application VM process efficiency. Mostly all hypervisor environments RHOS, Openstack etc support the vCPU pinning.

When vCPU pinning is enabled for an application (VNF), the vCPU’s of a particular VM is confined to work on specific number of pCores on physical host. Most of the deployment environment use dedicated vCPU pinning.

When vCPU pinning is not used, the vCPUs of a particular VM are allowed to be executed on any pCores of the physical host. Each thread can be shared among 2, 4 or more vCPUs e.g oversubscription ratio as 2:1 or 4:1.

Check this article for complete help: