Design wireless network for a Stadium

Hello Experts,
Could someone help me on an wireless network, for a stadium coverage project?


Design wireless network for a Stadium

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What help precisely do you need on the Wireless network, please?
Are you planning on covering the stadium with a 4G LTE network?

I want build a wireless network that could cover a Stadium using 4G LTE.

You need to do a coverage planning and capacity planning of you area of interest
Incase there are already existing sites which can cover your stadium you can work more on the capacity planning and how to increase the capacity of your RAN equipments.

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Solving the problem is easy, simple and cost effective.

Install a small cell overlay to enhance traditional DAS Coverage.

Use low power coordinated small cells, like the Ericsson Radio Dot System, under the stadium seats.

Also, check this old, but interesting article:

I think WorldCup antenna installed like this.

Many small cell under seat…

Anyone having more details? Like power, gain etc?

:fearful: under seat :seat: no it might damage the most important parts… I never recommended suggest and opt for it.

Hello everyone!

Looking for Stadium design sample that I could read and study. Anyone there who is willing to share.
Thank you!