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Only talks of a ChatGPT Plus service on this fee right now, no word on the regular service being paid.

When Plus gives you a limit of 25 queries every 3 hours, you can well understand the service for free level.

I use ChatGPT every time, every day, every hour I am on my seat.

Even with premium account, it gets stuck at time due to overload.

Do you think Web 3.0 is the solution?

What would Web 3.0 be without 5G and beyond?

And what would Web 3.0 be without the Metaverse?

Where did I say Web 3.0 excludes 5G and Metaverse?

I canā€™t believe you said excludes.

But you suggested something I find difficult around the Metaverse, especially for developing countries.

Do you really think Web 3.0 or Metaverse will be possible for developing countries? I donā€™t.

There will always be the option for people.

Either pay for better services and avoid being tracked / traced,
Keep using legacy web 2.0 services and keep getting tracked by Google etc.

Seeā€¦ I work on data science projects and I have developers with me.

When ChatGPT announced 20$ fee, I immediately purchased its subscription.

My productivity improved a lot.

My developers didnā€™t buy it. And their productivity is still low.

So, there will always be choices and its consequences.

Even today, people use Excel.

But I donā€™tā€¦ not at all.

I either open data in SQL Server, or PBI.

It has now become my habitā€¦ my nature.

Yes, but there is a social gap in your words.

Therefore, the solution for whose?

For people who value privacyā€¦ and need better services.

Like whatever web 3.0 gives, it may still be available in legacy web 2.0.

But web 3.0 means privacyā€¦ everyone owns his/her data.


In conclusion, you can say that Web 3.0 and Metaverse have an advantage which is data privacy.

Honestly, I am not completely satisfied with this arguably.

But thank you.

You are welcome.

Plenty of technical challenges need to be solved for the rural populations.

Letā€™s make it as the fourth utility first before a sudden jumps to human right.

I think satellite communication will remove the disparity between rural and urban areas.

Elon Musk :rocket::rocket:

Your Country, Pakistan, a poor and underdeveloped country, has suffered for decades from internal political disputes and reduced foreign investment.

Hardly, I should bet on Elon Musk, who has just lost the post of richest man in the world.

Furthermore, it would be a great way to colonize vulnerable countries.

I even think that Web 3.0 is the next step to leverage the Metaverse.

Also Facebook is giving up on the Metaverse:

Metaverse and Web 3.0 are polls apart! :wink:

Maybe you can convince us of your hypothesis. :wink: