Checking multiple sites alarm using ENM

Hi experts,

How to check VSWR of 6 sites together using AMOS ENM?
I think the command starts with amosbatch.


Hi @Amir

amos -m SITE1,SITE2,SITE3,SITE4,SITE5,SITE6 "invx"
amosbatch -o SITE1,SITE2,SITE3,SITE4,SITE5,SITE6 "invx"

-o - for instant output

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Hello @vlr9999

Thanks alot for supporting.

Do you know how to save results as a file in PC.


amos -m SITE1,SITE2,SITE3,SITE4,SITE5,SITE6 "invx" /path/to/logfile
amosbatch -o SITE1,SITE2,SITE3,SITE4,SITE5,SITE6 "invx" /path/to/logdir

in amos(batch) also you can use command file like

l+ /path/to/logfile
amos -m SITE1,SITE2,SITE3,SITE4,SITE5,SITE6 commands.txt
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