Best Ever Python Full Course Tutorial for Beginners


Before we continue our journey to build amazing applications for Telecom, let’s do a “pause”, and learn a few (important) concepts, mainly if you’re new to Python (or even new to programming).

We have selected here for you one of the best Python tutorials you could ever find. It will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts.

You can learn a lot with Mike - even in this 3 years old video!

His way of teaching is amazing, and you be easily understanding programming concepts along with how to write it in Python.

If you already know programming, algorithms and whole mumbo jumbo behind it, then you will easily learn Python concepts.

It is the longest and most productive YouTube course/tutorial you have ever watched. Specially for Python.

Only thing missing was real life examples - how to use these concepts in an Application.

But of course, real life examples are almost infinite. So, it’s up to you (and us) to build the Applications to fit your need. And as we have said - Python can do everything you can imagine! :slight_smile:

And we’ll do it together.

Mike simplify concepts, explain clearly and show them in a way that facilitates natural learning.

So please, watch entire video. If you have time, watch it twice. :wink:

Then we will continue the learning journey in our next tutorials, where we’ll focus on our Telecom Solution in Python.

The video is separated and organized in clips for every topic and how you practically explained and walked through the basics of Python’s features.
Definetely a great resource!

:star: Contents :star:

Don’t forget to LIKE the video! :wink:

:keyboard: (0:00) Introduction
:keyboard: (1:45) Installing Python & PyCharm
:keyboard: (6:40) Setup & Hello World
:keyboard: (10:23) Drawing a Shape
:keyboard: (15:06) Variables & Data Types
:keyboard: (27:03) Working With Strings
:keyboard: (38:18) Working With Numbers
:keyboard: (48:26) Getting Input From Users
:keyboard: (52:37) Building a Basic Calculator
:keyboard: (58:27) Mad Libs Game
:keyboard: (1:03:10) Lists
:keyboard: (1:10:44) List Functions
:keyboard: (1:18:57) Tuples
:keyboard: (1:24:15) Functions
:keyboard: (1:34:11) Return Statement
:keyboard: (1:40:06) If Statements
:keyboard: (1:54:07) If Statements & Comparisons
:keyboard: (2:00:37) Building a better Calculator
:keyboard: (2:07:17) Dictionaries
:keyboard: (2:14:13) While Loop
:keyboard: (2:20:21) Building a Guessing Game
:keyboard: (2:32:44) For Loops
:keyboard: (2:41:20) Exponent Function
:keyboard: (2:47:13) 2D Lists & Nested Loops
:keyboard: (2:52:41) Building a Translator
:keyboard: (3:00:18) Comments
:keyboard: (3:04:17) Try / Except
:keyboard: (3:12:41) Reading Files
:keyboard: (3:21:26) Writing to Files
:keyboard: (3:28:13) Modules & Pip
:keyboard: (3:43:56) Classes & Objects
:keyboard: (3:57:37) Building a Multiple Choice Quiz
:keyboard: (4:08:28) Object Functions
:keyboard: (4:12:37) Inheritance
:keyboard: (4:20:43) Python Interpreter


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Also a good Full course in English