5G Link Budget Made Easy

Hello Experts.

Recommended video on 5G Link Budget:

5G Link Budget Made Easy: Learn to Calculate 5G Cell Edge Estimation & How Many 5G Sites You Need!

In this video, I have simplified 5G Link Budget with the intention that anyone can calculate 5G Link Budget themselves based on this video. This means that after watching this video, anyone can estimate the number of 5G sites required to cover an area, a city or a town.

This is based on 3GPP propagations models defined in 38901 specifications and I have found them to be pretty accurate. The models themselves are quite complicated so I have given a simplified equation in this session that can provide a good estimation without going through excessive computations.

The session also shows the impact of different Link Budget input parameters on the cell edge calculation using a python based tool that I created for this session. I hope you will all enjoy going through this video. Remember to subscribe and share!

Youtube: 5G Link Budget Made Easy: Learn to Calculate 5G Cell Edge Estimation & How Many 5G Sites You Need! - YouTube


Quite interesting, @Marina. Thanks for sharing.

I’ve noticed that it doesn’t consider height site.

Does anyone know if this a less important variable in this link budget stage?

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Hello guys,

Based on my studies, the antenna heights are considered in the link budget calculation.

But, they are being calculated inside the propagation models. For example, in the 3GPP – TR 38.901 document, where we can see it clearly.

The d3D parameter is calculated considering hBS e hUT.

3GPP – TR 38.901 we can also see the propagation models, considered by 3GPP.

I’ll share another site that calculates the 5G link budget and 5G throughput:


Hello Experts.

While using gPtP RF link budget calculator I came across - two things, Site Climate having options , how this type of site region defined?

Link: Log in - LigoWave LinkCalc

Any 3GPP or ITU model anyone knows

  • “ITU Rain Rate” - ANyone knows how this is calculated?
  • “Misc Loss” - How to calculate this part?
  • “Rx Threshold” - What values should I use for this fields - normally for threshold can I put noise floor value as Rx Threshold?

What values should I use for this fields - normally for threshold can I put noise floor value as Rx Threshold?

Kindly help

I just visit the website, there unit on each parameter which can explain the function.

  1. ITU Rain Rate is measure in mm / hour, this parameter you can visit the country weather organization or can get from geoclimatic map.
  2. Misc Loss is measured in dBm, Loss which is not measure in parameter input (i.e : fading margin, body loss, etc). Because this website is belongs to specific vendor, of course for transmitter is calculated based on their hardware specification.
  3. Rx Threshold is measured in dBm, is UE Reception Sensitivity (it’s calculated after pass through Rx Antenna Gain). I think it’s different to noise floor (dBm / Hz).
  4. Site Climate, is defined by region. hmmm… i’m not sure about how this parameter is manage on 3GPP or ITU, but what missing from climate data is (temperature, water vapour density, atmosphere pressure, refractivity, isotherm height, & fog intensity), may be all those paramater is modelled at site climate (i’m not sure).

I give you example of geoclimatic data map I have.