5G in High Freq band

Why are we preferring to have 5G in High Freq band? Is IT only because of band Availablity or because of features like m-MIMO & Beamforming?

Hello all,

It emerges from the traffic KPIs that we are migrating from voice / text to a model based on DATA and especially with streaming and Cloud.
With the current frequency spectrum, OPEs are unable to respond to different uses.
From where recourse to the rise in frequencies (waves mm) being satisfied with a broad band and according to the first theorem of Shannon, the capacity is proportional to this bandwidth.
Also, the exploitation of high frequencies is related to the miniaturization of antennas eg with mm waves, we will have to implement several on a small surface several antennas going up to 128 * 128 and the capacity of Shannon becomes proportional to these nbrs of antennas.
Now for beamforming, a technique which comes to solve the Pb of the range of the high frequencies which do not travel much.
If we can summarize: 5G is really a matter of frequencies.

Can we say that high frequency beneficial for m-MIMO & Beamforming. even with 3.5GHz case.


Possible, only in the case where we will have to do with millimeter waves ed beyond 26 GHz for example, it is possible to deploy more antennas on the same site and like that we can improve the capacity significantly.

Note also, that MIMO capacity is a function proportional to min (Nt, Nr) where Nt and Nr respectively designate the transmit and receive antennas.