3G Call Drop Rate (Huawei)

Hello Experts,

Which KPI’s is correct to use for UMTS Call Drop Rate? vendor - Huawei

I think you can use the below formula:

100*(VS.RAB.AbnormRel.AMR + VS.RAB.AbnormRel.AMRWB) / (VS.RAB.AbnormRel.AMR + VS.RAB.AbnormRel.AMRWB + VS.RAB.NormRel.AMR + VS.RAB.NormRel.AMRWB)

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thank you for answer, on U2000(iManager) i can’t find any counter with name start of VS.RAB. can you alsow pls help me with this problem?Screenshot 2021-04-20 103619

We usually use PRS for KPI and counter…

But in U2000, the counters should be under “RAB RELEASE MEASUREMENT”

Thx, but if use this counters the CallDropRate is ~0.05% (Great result) but seems need to add other counter

UMTS Call Drop Rate is usually quite low…

ok thank you