What is the benefit of flexible position of SSB in 5G?

Yes I mean absolutefrequencySSB here.
Anyway,Thanks. :wink:

Resource scheduling to UE in time-freq like a rectangle.

If cell has 273 rb, ssb is 20 rb from 0-19, 4 symbols, there are 2 rectangles:

  1. rb 20-272 14 syms
  2. rb 0-19 10 syms.

If ssb in middle for eg: rb 100-119, there are 3 rectangles

  1. rb 0-99 14 sym
  2. rb 100-119 10 sym
  3. rb 120-272 14sym.

So 1st case ssb in last freq domain, rectangle is biggest, peak UE throughput is better.