Parameters to check MIMO Capabilities of a cell

Hello Experts,

How can i check the MIMO capabilities of a cell in Huawei network?

Use boda, and generate output files (CVS) for your nw. (Open it with Excel)

MO: Cell, Parameter Id: TXRXMODE.


How can I check it for Ericsson system?

noOfUsedTxAntennas (The number of antennas that can be used for down-link) is the parameter in Ericsson to check. (2TX/4TX etc)

Get the information using nooftx and noofrx which will have values 0 meaning 4x4

For Ericsson, You will get the output as shown below when you enter the .
Mohell command: hget sectorcarrier noofTx|noofRx

Where 2 means 2x2 & 4 means 4x4
Details are below. hope this will be helpfull.

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