Not able to delete NRCellCU from 5G node


I am not able to delete NRCellCU from 5G node.
Ericsson system.

51 GNBCUCPFunction=1,NRCellCU=XX !!! ERROR: operation-failed. Transaction commit failed, [All NRCellCUs under ManagedElement=XXX,GNBCUCPFunction=1 must have a unique cellLocalId

Any idea?

Is the NRCell unique or exist another with same NRCell?

There are duplicate NRCellCU in node, so just want to delete the other ones.
Another NRCellCU exists with same localcell ID.

You have to remove one of them. It need to be unique in the network.

Yeah, but since there are duplicate, I am not able to delete the other.

Were you able to delete them eventually? Would you please share the trick as I am facing the same issue?